Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Summer Update!

Well the summer has ramped up and I've been keeping busy between work, family vacations and shooting events and concerts for clients.  Recently I've been shooting for Pop Junkies at the Hard Rock Casino Vancouver.  Have to say one of my favorite venues to shoot in!  Also doing other shoots for Slam Lotus as they continue to perform and showcase their latest work.  Last weekend, I managed to slip out and shoot some of my old friends at the White Rock Blues Society show for the IBC candidate to send to Memphis and represent WRBS.  Got to shoot Harpdog, James Buddy Rogers, Sabrina Weeks and Swing Cat Bounce, and Jimmy D. Lane to finish off the night!  Lots more work coming down the pipe, but first some quality family vacation time! For now, here are some pics of Harpdog and Pop Junkies to have a look at! 

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