Monday, 1 June 2015

April moves into May, May is now moving into June!

Where does the time go?  Every once in a while I pull my head up from editing and think, wow, it's the end of May already?  Well here's the update on my world!

I've been busy working on putting my studio together and doing some shooting.  I've had a couple of computers crash, and for anyone who does editing, you know the nightmare that presents! 

Along with that, I managed to squeeze in an engagement shoot for an old friend of mine.  Shoot was great, and we had alot of fun being creative. I want to wish them a wonderful life together!

I have also had the opportunity to pop in a couple of jams and shoot with a new Sigma portrait lens I picked up.  The F2.8 is great in low light, so I've been having fun shooting some old friends, and meeting some new ones along the way.