Friday, 21 December 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Well the holidays are upon us and after surviving the Mayan's end of the world prediction, I can now relax and spend sometime with the family.  The past year has been a tough one personally for me with the loss of my kids Grandfather and my Mom being rushed in for emergency surgery which she thankfully has recovered from.  I've lost a few friends this year, and remember the ones that went before as they are always on my mind.  

That being said, I've had a great year of playing music and shooting bands!  I'm honored and priviledged to be able to make music with The Kathy Frank Band (Kathy, Terry, Jade and now James).  We have become a nice little family and the music is starting to come naturally from all of us as a unit.  Looking forward, we have plans to write and record the new album, followed by some touring around BC and possibly Alberta in the New Year.  Should be a busy few months coming up!

Photography wise, I am truly blessed with a great network of musicians and friends that put up with having my camera in their faces at shows.  I just love to try and capture moments!  I'm progressing and learning more each day on shooting and post production editing.  It's always nice to see people enjoying my efforts.  One in particular is Harry Walker.  I did my first photo book of Harry this year and presented him with a copy.  It thrilled me to no end to see the joy on his face!

Well time to start my Christmas shopping and enjoy my break over the next couple of weeks! 

Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year to each and everyone of you!

Love and Peace,

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Injured my hand!!!

Hey there, I've had to cancel sitting in with the Joe Turner Band due to a slight hand injury! It should be all healed up soon enough, but not in time for the show on Dec. 7th. They will perform the night as a 3 piece and it will KICK ASS! Go check them out!

Monday, 3 December 2012

The Joe Turner Band at the Great Bear Pub, Dec. 7th

Hey there, I will be sitting in with The Joe Turner Band, December 7th at the Great Bear Pub in Burnaby!  These guys are great, and I'm looking forward to sharing a stage with them!  It's also Jason's (the drummer) Birthday, so come down and take in the music!  Going to be a GREAT show!  See you there!

Click on the pic for Show Details!!!!